Case study

Safe Currency

Safe Currency is an Estonia based crypto-currency exchange offering its clients crypto-brokerage services. The digital assets trading platform is an entry point for those who are interested in cryptocurrencies as well as for those who buy and sell them on a day-to-day basis.

Safe Currency offers smooth and safe conversion of funds from GBP, EUR, USD and other currencies to BTC, ETH, LTC and other cryptoassets and backwards, serving individuals and businesses from different industries and different countries.


Safe Currency and Crassula #1 Cryptocurrency exchange

Safe Currency has launched a very simple yet effective instrument for easy cryptocurrency conversion using the most popular means of payment – cards and bank transfers. The service had to support the highest security standards in order to make exchanges in a safe environment that could be trusted by users internationally.

Together with Crassula Crypto Exchange SaaS product, Safe Currency enables clients from around the world to buy cryptocurrencies with a credit card, debit card or using SEPA or SWIFT payments.

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Crassula Products and Features used

All Crassula Core-Banking software modules are secured and audited according to PCI-DSS level 1 standards certification.

KYC and Onboarding

Regulatory approved KYC and Onboarding procedures

Сrypto-custodial service

High-grade secured, insured crypto-custodial services

PSP module

PSP module, card acquiring integration

Buying and selling

Fast and automated process of buying or selling crypto-currency with external deposits or withdrawals

Multi-signature operations

Multi-signature client operations process built by banking professionals

Crassula's product allowed us to quickly launch a payment business. A huge advantage is the availability of integrations with many banks and acquirers, which makes it possible to quickly connect new payment methods for customers.

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